Before I head into the week, I have to tell you how the weekend ended. It ended......with......WHALES! The next day after we hiked to Shoe, we saw whales swimming around a just south of the island and soon between the islands! It was so cool! Also along with the whale watching we attempted to go to the top of the mountain, but our guide was taking us up the hard way, well, at least for us it was the hard way. Also she didn't want to continue because of the younger kids following us. So we didn't make it up as far.
But we did make it to Diomede's cemetery. That's right I say cemetery! Because of the terrain of the island they don't bury the people they build a grave out of rocks. So pretty much they cover them with rocks. As we were climbing I felt a little disrespectful stepping on the graves, at one point Sophie, our high school guide, said that I was touching one! Ooops, but at the same time not my fault because I didn't know. But before that, at the point where we were about to reach where the graves were Jori yells to me, "Go the other way, because there's a skull over here." So I listened, because I didn't wanna see that; I was already freak out about the "trail" we were on and how high we were. To give you a picture the way we were going was nothing but rock and some of the rocks moved when you stepped on them, so a little freaky. Plus we've had a lot of rain and sometimes there are rock/mud slides. So a little scary! Well, I'm climbing up and I look over at Jori, not a good idea. I saw the skull she warned me about. Well, I didn't freak out and I just let it go and thought it's just the way life is. But later after we climbed off the mountain I ha a little moment of eww!
After hiking I decided to do some whale watching. I wish I had a really fast camera because I could have gotten a great shot of the whale's tail, but the shots I did get are not horrible, but they are not the greatest either. I could have sat out there all day.
Before I get into how school was I have to tell you how after school's been going. Tuesday night I was working a little late it was about 5:30ish and Dave, one of the construction workers, came over to my desk and asked if I wanted anything to eat. I told him thanks, but I'm fine and that I was going to finish a couple things and then go home to eat. Well, as I'm saying that Tim, the construction workers' cook, comes out and says, "Come on Catherine, get something to eat we've got plenty." So I said, "I guess I will if you're gonna twist my arm about it!" So I got a free meal! The guys I've talked from the construction company are so nice and they have some stories. The Dave guy, he's from Washington and has like 5 pieces of land all over the northwest. I think the man is rich and is just doing construction to have something to do until he retires. But he was a really cool guy and he told us about businesses he's been in and things he's done. But the amazing thing is, the things he's done he had no training on them he self taught himself! Like, he ran a barge for a few years and knew nothing about boats. As I was listening to how he just plays with stuff and picks it up, he reminded me of my friend Matt. Just can look at something and get it.
I'm getting off subject. So Tuesday night I had tacos and fresh veggies. Oh and did I mention that Tim made this chocolate cake with cream cheese in the middle! OH MY GOD! It was SO good! Tim is the man! So after I got my meal and sat down to start to eating and Jori came downstairs. Jori was so jealous so she was like, "I'm gonna start coming down here to do my work!" Well, she asked Tim if she could have some and Tim said yes of course there's plenty! So Jori and I enjoyed a great meal for free. So the next day, Wednesday I'm working and I'm trying to get everything all done and Tim comes over and asks if I want anything to eat and again he wouldn't take no for an answer. He also said that if Jori would like some she can have some as well. So two, count 'em TWO days in a row we had a meal from Tim! This time it was steak and again it was SO good! The man can cook! He's such a great guy and the workers I've spoken with are all really nice guys.
Monday through Wednesday were pretty good days kids were starting to get rambunctious, but nothing I can't handle. But when Thursday afternoon rolled around, the honeymoon was over. They couldn't sit still for nothing and they are just not listening. I don't know if it was because they stayed up too late or what the deal was, but they were not the same kids. Well, later in the afternoon everyone, all the aide, parents, and so on, were heading off to Wales by boat because the store didn't get anything on mail day. So Sandra took over Becky's class and my group was being all out of sorts because tired and change in routine. But I lived through Thursday even though I had a VTC and then after that some work to do and got home a little before 7. But it's all a part of being a teacher. So today I went in thinking today will be better, until I heard the fact that our people were not back from Wales yet! Oh great the kids are going to be handfuls! Actually today was a little bit better than yesterday, so I was happy about that, plus it was Friday, which meant EARLY OUT! Kids were done at 2, I love Fridays when you get done early.
I was cleaning up my classroom and setting up for Tuesday and Jori says that she's going to Skpe our mentor and asked if I wanted to join. Of course! So I meant my mentor today. She is a really sweet lady and she used to teach the grades I'm teaching so she said if I needed anything she'd be more than happy to help me out and get it for me! Also she has friends that teach Jori's grades so she can help Jori out as well! Also the woman is sending us chocolate! She's a saint in my book!
After Skyping with her I went downstairs to pack up and make a list of things to do Tuesday morning and go home. Tim comes over and says he'll have the seasons of Dexter ready for me in like 8 minutes! Oh I forgot to mention, during one of the breaks I went to get the kids water and noticed Tim was watching what I thought a movie. So I asked him what he was watching and he said it was Dexter! I was like I love that show, but I'm on season 3 and he said he had all five seasons! I asked him if I could barrow and he said sure. He asked me if I had an external hardrive, well I didn't so he told me no worries he'd hook me up. So he lent me his external hardrive with seasons 3, 4, and 5! He told me no hurry to watch them, but I'll watch it soon because it's Dexter! So excited!
Now it's time for a 3 day weekend!! Should be great! Jori and I decided to hike to the top our selves since we've gone half way and we kinda know where we're going so we'll see how it goes or if we go (because we've said we're gonna go like 3 times and haven't). I'll keep you posted!
There's a whale there. If he camera would have been faster I'd got a tail here.
Another one!
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