Everyone told me a storm was coming and I didn't think it would come because we've had clear skies and calm waters. But sure enough the storm came. Shows how the sea can be unpredictable if you judge by looking at it.
So after school on Tuesday Jori and I went down by the helipad and it was just crazy how high the waves were and how strong the wind was. Probably was not the safest place to be but we weren't there long. Later that evening when it was dark we were hanging out down by the helipad with the construction workers and Tim. I stayed by the digger since I'd had enough adventure for a while.
Later when we were hanging out at home, Joe called me. Mind you I didn't know who it was at first all I heard when I picked up the phone was "Rutabagas" I was like "Rutabagas? What?" The voice said "good you heard me, it's Joe." He's so hilarious! So he called us to let us know the city was going to be shutting off the power due to the high winds, which was a good idea because Jori went down to the school to get her laptop and the power lines were sparking! Plus the house was shaking really bad and the noises were creepy! So I made the decision of sleeping at the school after the power was turned off because of how much the house was shaking and the noises. Willis of course stayed at the house, he's used to it, but we babies went down by Sandra and Joe. It was fun though, little mid week sleep over!
Although sleeping at the school was only a little bit better than sleeping at the house since it was shaking as well, but the sense of more people around was a comfort. The next morning was a little hard to get moving because I probably only got about four hours of good sleep because I won't lie I was a little freaked out. Hurricane strength winds would freak and sane person. Although Jori didn't think it was bad last night; oh boy, did I give her crap when I found out that the construction guys lost two containers one of them containing steel beams! Yeah the wind and waves did that! Plus the waves and wind moved the container they use to burn garbage from the top of the hill on the south side of the island down to the beach where they dock the boats!
The next day the wind died down a little, but the waves were amazing! A surfer's dream! I've got plenty of pictures! So it's a good thing I live on a mountain because the flooding would have been bad, but no one was really affected too much, at least what I know of. And the poor construction workers lost a third container because of the waves. There's a video of it that one of the guys shot. It's actually the video that has made the news! It was just crazy.
Also Wednesday I started out the day with three students and ended the day with one. It was a crazy day. In the morning JR and I had Rene, Faith, and Damion. So Reading was spent writing about the storm, making feathers for the bulletin board turkey. They also helped me paint, hang up and cut out the letters for it. They were so helpful! Math was spent doing worksheets since I couldn't think of something else. By lunch time Becky came down to school to get Rene and Faith; said it was getting to dangerous out there. The waves were just huge, never came near the school, but whatever. So I had Damion the rest of the day. We spent the rest of math time playing dominoes, which was actually really fun and math related; then I had Damion do his skills tutor and pallet like normal. Science was spent watching the waves for a half hour and checking the temperature online. Then I had him have free choice. It was quite the day! I was actually really tired even though I only had one student, but lack of sleep was the reason for that.
Now I can say that I've survived a storm with hurricane winds. But here's the video and some pictures of the storm and the awesome waves.
Tuesday afternoon, when the storm was heating up
Tuesday Evening
Hold me!!!
Had to move the boats, later they had to move them higher due to the waves
Levi, one of the construction workers
Jori checking out the waves from the digger
The sun is trying to peek through
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