Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lead up a mountain by an 11 year old

Well, ladies and gentlemen; I survived my first week of teaching!! YAY ME!!! The week had its ups and its downs; but all in all it was a great week!

Monday was the first day of school and it was a little crazy because I wasn't sure what to expect of the kids or the schedule, that I put together by the way. I think teachers need to stop complaining about large class sizes because a small class isn't all its cracked up to be. I tried to have group discussions and the kids wouldn't talk! Ahh, it was a slight nightmare and to make things worst my expectations were set too high for these guys. Also I feel I didn't spend enough time on my lessons and thinking about what the day was going to bring. Thank goodness we were done by 2 O'clock because the day was just not going that well. But after I complained a bit and thought about the day, it was a great learning experience because then I knew more about the kids: some of their skills, some of their interests, and how they act in school. I have five first graders and one kindergartner that leaves at 1:30. They are great kids and they are very cute and I already have two of them that are going to be a challenge and test my abilities as a teacher.

After Monday I went back to the drawing board and rewrote my schedule and my lesson plans. When Tuesday came I was going along and it was going a lot better than the day before! I would have to say that Tuesday went better than Monday. I had a blast with the kids and was loving the fact that I'm a teacher and I have my own classroom, well a part of a gym. As far as the rest of the week went it was pretty good, but had its ups and downs, like I said earlier. Can't wait for next week when I get to start teaching reading. (The first week was community building and feelings curriculum; the boring stuff).

So now today's Friday and I lived through my first week of teaching and I also survived a couple of hikes on the island. Earlier in the week, on a really nice day, I was cleaning out the frig and Jori was working late. I heard a knock at the door and a voice yell "Miss G!" It was Samantha, one of Jori's students. She was looking for people to go for a "walk". I put "" around walk because on this island you don't go for a walk you go for a hike, since there's really no place to walk on the island. So I decided why not, so I went with Samantha and soon was joined by one of her friends. Those girls were so nice and patient with me. We took the south trail and Samantha couldn't get over that I couldn't see the road/trail. Well, it just looked like a bunch of rocks and grass, but apparently there was a trail in there. We were going along and some of it was VERY steep! I mean it was a drop off! We've had so much rain that there was a mud slide on the south side, well when we came to that part I thought I'll try it. Yeah, got less than a fourth of the way and said I can't do it, because the thought in my head was I have to come back and do this again. I was proud of me for doing it because I went a different direction on the island and went a little farther up than before.

Then tonight Jori and I are watching Oliver, she's crazy for musicals. And we hear a knock at the door then the door opening, the kids wanted us to go with them up to the Shoe. The Shoe is a rock that's the half way point to the top, in my opinion it doesn't look like a shoe, it looks more like Pac Man. So we decided yeah let's go!

We were going along then I started to look around which is so cool, but at the same time a bad idea for me because I was starting to freak out a little. But Mackenzie, an 11 year old sweetheart, told me to take her hand and told me "no worry. If worry bad happens". She is so wise beyond her years and that really helped me as we were going up the mountain; especially when we got to a spot where we had to climb basically strait up in long grass. Good thing that long grass can be used like rope! Oh and did I mention that this part what not part of the trail, yeah it was a little scary. But it was ok because we were almost to the Shoe. Finally we made it to the Shoe and it was so cool! The view was just gorgeous, there are no words. But the way back down was just scary for me. I almost tumbled down the mountain like fives times and Jori just about took a big time spill, but thank God she regained her balance because that could have gone a different way. When we made it back to our house I felt a lot better, one because we were on flat ground, and two I was very proud that I did it! Tomorrow I think we're going to go to the top, but with an adult, not just children. I think that was the most scary part, watching these kids hop on rocks so high up a mountain that is very steep! YIKES! Well, time for bed because I'm SO tired from this week and the excitement of climbing up the mountain in my backyard.

On our way up

On our way to Shoe, the half way point to the top (looks more like Pac Man to me)

Shoe aka Pac Man

Now looking more like a shoe, sort of...

Made it!!

View from Shoe

The top is right there

Time to go back down

Charlie got a baby bird or Pluk (pl-U-k)

My very wise guide, Mackenzie

Jori & Brandi

Until next time

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hike up the Mountain

Well let's see, last week was a VERY busy week. My brain hurts from it. So Wednesday went a lot better than the day before. Joe and I had another VTC for math and this one was a lot better! The speaker kept things light and told jokes. It was very informal and fun! So we had that in the morning for three hours, which was alright because it was useful so I didn't feel like I was wasting the day. Then in the afternoon we had another two hours for the technology portion for math. The speaker was very helpful and had everything ready and helped when people needed it. It went very smoothly. I think Tuesday was a learning day and this day was for improvements.

So that was two days of not working in my classroom and I hadn't even started lesson planning yet! It's now Wednesday, school starts Monday, ahhhh. So after our VTCs, Joe, Jori, and I all went for a small hike up the mountain. The path, if you wanna call it that, is a death trap for a person like me! Very slippery, narrow, and the grass had holes in it from the birds. The hike was so much fun, but I'm not sure I'll make it to the top because I am klutzy and have a fear of heights. But I am setting the goal to make it to the top by the end of this year. So we'll see. It was so pretty at the height where we stopped. You could see forever, it was beautiful!

Then Thursday, Friday, and even Saturday was spent lesson planning and getting last minute things done in the classroom. Last night I finished with lesson plans up to Thursday and I spent today doing nothing. It also felt so good to sleep in.

This is the mess I was talking about

The hike up. See our house?

All moss

My classroom!

Outside my window

Big Diomede

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CrAzY Week

Oh where do I start!? "As great grandpa Alphonse always use to say, 'When you don't know where to start, go back to the beginning."

The beginning starts Friday when everyone was on their way to their villages, while Jori and I got to stay in Unalakleet until the next day. In the morning we were split into two groups: group 1) did DART training, email, and other computer usernames and passwords & group 2) did paperwork: insurance, direct deposit, and other important documents we need to teach. I was in group 2, in case you were wondering. After training it was lunch time and they were telling people when it was there time to get going to the plane, and that didn't matter if you were eating you went! As the day subdued Jori and I were one of the last people, along with a teacher couldn't get on the plane because there was no room for his dog; so he had to stay at the school until Monday evening. Poor guy, but I wouldn't wanna leave my dog either; although I wouldn't travel with a dog, but that's just me; too much hassle and worries. Any who, after dinner we heard that everyone was still at Era waiting to get off the ground. We had to check that out!

Jori and I walked up to Era and sure enough almost all the newbies were sitting waiting to get on a plane! Some of them waited from 1:15 pm to 7:15 pm to get on a plane. That had to have sucked, but that's the thing about flying bush Alaska: you hurry up and wait. Oh and this waiting was all due to fog around the other villages. To continue the adventure Jori and I heard from our principal that the district office had a miscommunication about our arrangements in Nome: no one booked a room for us and Nome was sold out. Ooops. So our principal called an old friend, who was also an ex-major of Nome and owns a bed and breakfast, for a place to stay. He was pretty much booked too, he had one bed open and a living room we were welcome to. Thank goodness he let us stay even with the limited space.

Now before I get to Nome I have to tell you about our night in the school alone. I've been showering at night to help save time in the morning, so I grabbed all my stuff to shower and walked down to the showers. We stayed in the elementary wing of the school and the showers were in the high school wing, so basically on the other side of the school. I'm walking along no problem until I get to the high school wing. The. Lights. Were. Off! So I decided to put the big girl panties on and walk down there by myself. I was fine, but when I got to the girl's locker room both doors were locked. Crap! But the boy's locker room was open. Well, I yelled hello to make sure no one was in there. Of course there isn't, but in case the other teacher or custodians were there. No one was in there so I figure why not. So get all my stuff set down and was getting ready to shower, I noticed my luffa was missing. Great!

So I had to walk all the way back to the elementary wing to get it. So as I'm walking out the door of the boy's locker room the glass shows a reflection of me, but at first I didn't think of that. So I thought there was a person standing there, so I screamed pretty loud; but not loud enough that Jori couldn't hear me. I basically ran back to the elementary wing after that because I was freaked out. In the end Jori came with me so I wouldn't walk and shower alone. You're probably wondering if we put up a sign to warn guys that girls were in the guy's locker room. Nope, we just shut the doors since the doors were locked and just propped open. Good times, good times.

Next day we get on a two prop plane to Nome. First we went to Airport Pizza, which if you are ever in Nome, Alaska you need to go to Airport Pizza and order the Baker's pizza! Oh so good!! Nome was a cute town with lots of history. We walked around, saw the museum, library, and some various shops. Also if you are in Nome you need to stay at the bed and breakfast we stayed at, Sweet Dreams Bed & Breakfast. Even though Jori camped out on the recliner and I on the couch, it was such a neat place and Leo, the ex-major, is an awesome guy with some good stories. Also a really good breakfast and no pressure to check in or out. Just a really cool place.

Next day was the big day; time to go home to Diomede! Also it was a day to ride in a helicopter, which I was excited for, but also nervous about. So Jori and I headed to Wales, where we had to wait for the helicopter to take Joe and Sandra (teacher and principal) to Diomede then it would come to Wales to pick us up. So we got to hang out with Stacey, a newbie who met me at the airport in Anchorage. Then a little over 2 hours later it was time...the helicopter ride.

As we're getting ready for take off Jori asked our nice pilot how long he's been flying. He said he flew helicopter for the Navy for 20 years and then been doing this for four years. After I'm all strapped in and we are starting to take off I was thinking oh my we are going strait up without moving first. It was a little weird, but I was ok I had my Dramamine and I just kept thinking 'he's been doing this for as long as I've been alive', I said that over and over again in my head. Our pilot was so great he told us before when we were gonna hit some high winds, which was nice because I prepared myself for it. It was so cool as we approached the island, there were a lot of things going on in my head, like "this is home" or "wow I'm here". As we were coming around the mountain there were tons of birds flying right next to us. It was SO cool! Plus it was so pretty; the water and the rock is was just amazing!

We land, safely, and there's a crowd of children hugging us and grabbing our bags. We felt like rock stars! It was so cool. Well, I see my bags going on without me so I start walking and fallowing all the kids all the way up to our house, which does have a lot of steps! (But it's not too bad) We get inside and the kids were all over going crazy and Jori must have told them who's room is whose because the next thing I know kids are carrying totes, boxes, and bags into our rooms. It was so nice of the villagers to take our totes and boxes we mailed up to our house:) After we can see the living room  floor the kids were going crazy: jumping on our beds and going everywhere in the house! It was time for them to go because there were too many of them. So Sandra came to help get them out so we can unpack and process everything that just happened. They were so cute, but if they would have stay a minute longer they would have started fighting because there wasn't a lot of wiggle room in our house.

The kids left and we started unpacking and getting things organized. As we are unpacking the kids kept coming back and banging on our doors because they wanted to visit. I wanted to get unpacked and settled, as did Jori; so we just ignored them, which felt very bad and rude, but the kids have a different mind set here. Jori and I have to be blunt with the kids because they don't understand polite suggestions. It's their way and there's nothing wrong with it because they are such a tight-nit community; like Cheers, everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came. But it was a little scary when the kids kicked in the outside door, so we used the door jam we found in the storage room after that.

Yesterday, Monday, was a crazy day. We had to be to school at 9 so Jori could get ready for her VTC conference at 10. Mind you we went to bed around midnight, which is looking to be the same tonight again, because it's so light out until midnight. So I walk in and see the gym where my classroom is and I have a mini panic attack. There is stuff stacked taller than me and just boxes everywhere! It was very overwhelming. But by the end of the day it was ok, because I at least had an outline of my classroom and the gym was starting to come together. But I still didn't know where everything was because on move out day everything was just thrown into boxes and brought to the gym. No organization, which was a little frustrating.

Then today was a little frustrating because technology was not on our side. Joe and I had a VTC social studies curriculum seminar and that was three hours! Yuck! But teaching isn't always fun, there are some things you have to do that aren't fun, like sit through things like that. I think that the conference could have been an hour tops, but not everyone learns the same so we had to accommodate every one's learning styles. The curriculum is so laid out and helpful on its own, but there were some pieces of the presentation that I learned something. Then at 1 we had a Webex seminar to show us how to use the curriculum's website. That was just a crazy two hours of people trying to get signed on and get codes to get signed on. Also the seminar wasn't loading correctly so I could see the presentation, but not hear it. So I had to call so I could hear, but they were busy getting everyone registered and online. Long story short there were like 20 minutes of no one speaking so I hung up and called it a day. I didn't get to spend any time getting my room ready because of silly slow technology. Plus school starts Monday and still have lesson plans to write!

But tomorrow's another day and it'll be better, at least I hope. I just have to keep in mind that this feeling of drowning is normal for first year teachers. Lots of things to do and remember and little time to do it in and remember at once. In spite all this I am excited that I'm here and I can't wait to work with the kids because they are really cute!

*Sorry so long, but the title says it all: CrAzy Week

I wonder where I am...

The Nugget Inn

So I'm about 3445 miles from home

My 2nd home...

I wanna go, but don't think that'll happen. Time will tell.

Sweet Dreams Bed & Breakfast

Such a cool house and Leo was awesome

Pictures on every wall to the ceiling

That's a view of the upstairs from the downstairs

The stairs spiral up

Taking off from Nome

I'm in a one prop plane. It's so tiny!

On our way to Wales

About to land in Wales

The helicopter we took to Diomede

Coming up to Diomede


My place and the caravan of kids caring our stuff

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun Run? I Don't Think So...More Like Wet Walk :)

The last two days have been sitting in a classroom like in high school (and in a high school, how's that for irony) and learn about our reading programs. But the instructor I had, Robin, was not a Success For All (SFA) coordinator, so she told us what she liked and did with the program in her first grade classroom. The reading program is really nice because it's scripted, but also leaves room for creativity; which I like a lot! Sometimes Robin got off track to talk about other subjects like Math, Science, or even living in Bush Alaska. She was a really cool lady, very outspoken and just seems like an awesome teacher. I will be keeping in touch with her so I have someone to answer my questions; since there isn't another first grade teacher at my site.

Also yesterday my principal asked me if I'd like to be the Gatekeeper for Diomede's Solutions Team. One, I was in line for lunch, so what in the world is a Gatekeeper, and two, where's the Ghostbusters? So I had a little freak out moment because I didn't know if this job was gonna interfere with teaching. Later, found out it's a lot of work, but my principal is gonna help me out and all I have to do is the paperwork, but before I take the job she said that we can wait until she gets organized and then I can decide. Basically the Gatekeeper is the leader of the Solutions Team for their site. She looks over cases for special education kids and meets with the team (staff) to come up with solutions to problems in the school. For example, the problem of attendance or bullying. I'll see, I don't mind doing the job, but I don't wanna fall behind in either teaching or the gatekeeper. I'll keep it in mind;)

After we were done with training yesterday we had a "Fun" Run. Yeah I don't run unless something big, harry, and scary is chasing me! So I was happy to see that we could do the 3 mile walk instead of the 5 mile run. Plus the run was rain or shine, and it sure wasn't sunny! It was a very wet and chilly walk. Yeah I know I'm crazy, but I had fun. I started out walking with some of the girls I met here but I was starting to get chilly so I wanted to get going so I kinda left them. I know I'm a bad friend, but I was getting cold and wet by the minute. The I caught up with Jori and the other ladies, but they were still walking too slow for me so I told them I'd love to stay and walk with them, but I'm getting cold and wanna stay warm. Next thing I know I'm WAY ahead and I was just booking it! Mind you this is mostly down hill. When I finally made it to the finish line my jeans were weighing me down because they were soaked! I know jeans are not a good idea, but it was all I had beside pj bottoms, shorts, and crop pants. But it was still fun and had a great time. My but and leg muscles are feeling the burn today, which is always a good thing :)

Now it's time to wait for our plane that comes in tomorrow at 11:30 to Nome. Oh, and that's gonna be a story in itself! Somebody made an oopsy and didn't book us into a hotel room in Nome. Well, Nome's hotels are booked and my principal called in a favor to her old friend, the ex mayor of Nome, for a place to stay. He has a bed and breakfast and he has one room open that has a bed, couch , and chair for 3 people. Well, of course she took it, so we'll see if I or Jori gets the couch. I have a feeling it'll be me because I'm a nice person and want to make sure everyone else is taken care of before me. Then Sunday's the big day for the helicopter ride to the island.

Now this is if all goes as planned because the teachers that were suppose to leave around 1 didn't leave until about an hour ago because of fog and other weather factors. I hope we will make it home by Sunday afternoon because I really wanna get a start at unpacking before I have to go through more training on Monday via video conference. But we'll see and what ever happens happens.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's 10:30 at Night?! No way!

Today was a nice relaxed chilled kinda day. Got up, had some breakfast, went for a hike, lunch, watched a movie, then dinner, and another walk along the beach.

The hike was just beautiful! I'll let the pictures tell the story. This hike was much better than the hike in Anchorage because 1) no cars and 2) the path was a road so no drop offs at the sides! Also to make the hike and scenery even better the sun was out today and stay out until now, it's 10:30 pm and I think the sun is just now starting to set.

The walk along the beach was really pretty since the sun was right over the ocean, but the pictures are on my phone so they'll soon be here.

Found this along the beach just as is

Flying Wild Alaska

Beautiful Day in Unalakleet

Mind you this is about 9 PM